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Looking to beat the Heat or those summer rain storms? We have found the perfect indoor play place – We Rock the Spectrum – Boca Raton!

They have everything to Keep the kids busy including Swings, A Trampoline, Zip Line, Arts & Crafts Area, Sensory Toys, Monkey Bars, Climbing Wall and so much more!!

The Best Part is the Story behind We Rock the Spectrum! Gail and John Opened We Rock The Spectrum – Boca Raton in honor of their Son Jayson who is on the Autism Spectrum! After not being able to find a place that not only catered to his needs but to the needs of all children, Gail decided to Open We Rock The Spectrum – Boca Raton. Now All Kids have a Safe and Fun place to play in South Florida!

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we rock the spectrum kid's gym monthly medley

WRTS Featured in The Monthly Medley Presented by We Rock for Autism

We Rock the Spectrum Kid’s Gym is a hit in Boca Raton. The only open play sensory gym in Boca Raton hasn’t even been open a full year, and already it is making waves in the community. We Rock the Spectrum Kid’s Gym provides children with a fun and motivational environment to help them in the areas of strength, movement and sensory processing, communication experiences, behavior modifications, social interactions and self-care skills.

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How Siblings of Children with Autism are Affected

How Siblings of Children with Autism are Affected

As parents of children with Autism, we understand they require specialized care and attention. Depending upon which part of the spectrum a child falls under, the extent of the support will vary from helping them accomplish daily tasks to needing assisted care on a continual basis. Regardless of the extent of the therapy solutions, parents try anything and everything to give their children the support they need to reach their full potential.

But what about the siblings of the children with autism?

Just like how parents’ lives change when they discover their child has autism, their other children are also affected but in a much different way. Siblings have to stand by and watch, feeling helpless as their beloved brother or sister is affected by a disorder they will not fully understand until later in life. This has the potential to cause anxiety and difficulty in expressing emotions, which can lead to the siblings lashing out at their parents or brother and sister.

Parents who have children that fall into these categories are often at a loss as to how they should address the problems their children are facing. On one hand, they know their child with autism needs the added attention and Occupational, Behavioral, or Speech therapy required. On the other hand, their neurotypical children are feeling neglected and possibly left out – which is also tough on the parents.

While the sibling who has autism is receiving the care and attention they need from therapy, the neurotypical siblings finds themselves watching, almost in the shadows, while the other child receives a large part of the attention. Even though many siblings of children with autism try to understand the need their brother or sister has for the added attention, feelings of jealousy, depression, anger and resentment often arise.

This was the case in my family prior to the creation of We Rock the Spectrum Kid’s Gym. My son Gabriel, who has autism, was receiving therapy from professionals as well as utilizing a sensory gym I had set up in my own home. Prior to the in-home gym, Gabriel would receive the lion’s share of attention while my daughter Sophia often stood by and missed out on some of her own activities. Even though Sophia tried hard to understand, she stated on more than one occasion, “I wish I had autism.” This broke my heart as I immediately knew this was her way of letting me know she felt left out and alone.

I want both of my children to feel that they are perfect the way they are, which inspired me to create an in-home gym full of fun, sensory equipment for Gabriel to improve his own skills but to also give Sophia a place where she can play with her brother and friends. It wasn’t quite everything Sophia needed, but it was a step in the right direction and drove me to create and found a gym that changed my family’s lives for the better, We Rock the Spectrum Kid’s Gym.
We Rock the Spectrum not only allows children to play together, but offers a place where play dates can be arranged for a group. We did this early on with Sophia and Gabriel. He would get his necessary therapy in the gym, and she would be able to feel like a kid again and play with her friends.

Because the gym is monitored, safe, and regulated by the dynamic staff, children can make their own play dates with their own friends from school, camp, or other social groups and meet to play and have a great time. With the option to set up play dates for your children and their friends, parents no longer have to worry about telling their typically developing children they cannot have a play date because of a therapy need of their sibling with autism.

By having the ability to play together at We Rock the Spectrum, families with children who fall into both categories now have the ability to say “yes” much more often than ever before, allowing all children to play, have fun, and feel important. Benefiting the entire family, We Rock the Spectrum Kid’s Gym helps to create a more positive dynamic at home and allows children who are typically developing to feel they are receiving similar attention as their sibling with autism.

My Brother Rocks the Spectrum

My Brother Rocks the Spectrum Foundation’s mission is to assist families who need additional financial assistance for the therapy and care of their children with special needs to receive the support they deserve.

My Brother Rocks the Spectrum Foundation was created in honor of Sophia, my daughter who rocks every single day. Sophia has watched as her brother Gabriel has grown and developed from the time he was diagnosed with autism to how capable he is today. Not only have Sophia and Gabriel been the inspiration for my creation of We Rock the Spectrum Kid’s Gym, but Sophia has become a young therapist in her own right. It wasn’t always easy, but her curiosity to learn, determination to assist her brother, and desire to help others has led her to have a positive influence on many of the children at We Rock the Spectrum. Over and over again, we see children who are typically developing assisting their friends and siblings who have special needs, a dynamic that is allowed to foster and grow in our gyms by having an inclusive philosophy and gyms full of amazing parents and staff. Here is what Sophia had to say: “I feel great because I can help my brother and I can help other kids, even kids with Down Syndrome. I am not a Junior Helper any more, I am now a Coach.”

The foundation helps to fund a variety of activities at the gym for families who qualify and need the assistance, including monthly memberships and equipment. The foundation also helps families finance the personal aide some children with special needs require in order to attend a camp or activities at the gym. As the cost for a full-time or part-time aide for a child can become extremely expensive, the foundation is able to help defer some of these costs in order to allow all children to experience the benefits found at the gym through camps and play time.

Through both the We Rock the Spectrum Kid’s Gym and My Brother Rocks the Spectrum Foundation, all children, whether suffering developmental disabilities or not, are able to take full advantage of the fantastic, specially designed equipment, open play area, arts and crafts section and come away with a feeling of peace, happiness and accomplishment!

7 Ways We Rock the Spectrum Helps Children with ADHD

We created the We Rock the Spectrum Kid’s Gym (WRTS) franchise with a unique purpose: to provide children with autism and other special needs an inclusive play environment they could enjoy with their peers. At WRTS, children are able to take advantage of sensory play equipment in order to grow and develop the skills they will need later in life. Our inclusive philosophy allows children of all ability levels to play and grow together.

Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is one of the many conditions where WRTS can help children overcome challenges. Children with ADHD have trouble focusing and often times act without thinking. ADHD symptoms can range widely. These include:

  • Difficulty paying attention to details and tendency to make careless mistakes in school or other activities which produces work that is often messy and careless
  • Easily distracted by irrelevant stimuli, frequently interrupting ongoing tasks to attend to trivial noises or events that are usually ignored by others
  • Inability to sustain attention on tasks or activities
  • Difficulty finishing schoolwork or paperwork or performing tasks that require concentration
  • Frequent shifts from one uncompleted activity to another
  • Forgetfulness in daily activities (for example, missing appointments, forgetting to bring lunch)
  • Failure to complete tasks such as homework or chores
  • Frequent shifts in conversation, not listening to others, not keeping one’s mind on conversations, and not following details or rules of activities in social situations

“Children with ADHD have a hard time self-stimulating,” says Jess Lofland, owner of We Rock the Spectrum ~ Woodland Hills. “This is why the activities inside We Rock the Spectrum are so beneficial to children with ADHD. The safe, stimulating environment gives them what they cannot give themselves – a real focus. The end result is a feeling of capability that will lead to a healthier development.”

We Rock the Spectrum helps children with ADHD in a variety of ways. We’ve listed seven of these below, with an added bonus because we love you ;-)

1. Body Regulation Assistance
WRTS assists children with ADHD by helping them with body regulation assistance from the sensory equipment. The sensory equipment at WRTS is specially designed to aid children in their development. Children with all types of issues are able to positively react and grow from the use of this sensory equipment.

2. Break from School
Having a release from work after school gives these children the release their bodies need in order to focus and regulate themselves. Before starting their homework, a trip to the gym helps children with ADHD better focus later on. With the after school programs held at WRTS, children can come to the gym and enjoy some play time before diving back into their studies.

3. Compliments Occupational Therapy
Our sensory equipment is meant to compliment Occupational Therapy, not replace it. The sensory equipment offers challenges that can be left out from other therapy and helps stimulate a child’s brain and assists them in overcoming ADHD, giving parents an option that can be more beneficial in the long run than medication. The equipment offers a highly stimulating environment where focus is required. This causes the child with ADHD to narrow their focus and work to figure out various pieces of equipment on their own.

4. Social Skills Enhancement
The fourth way WRTS helps children with ADHD is to assist them with their social skills. Many times we see children with ADHD have trouble making friends or keeping them. With our inclusive approach and a dynamic staff that carries out our philosophy inside every gym, children are able to learn appropriate behaviors that can aid them in making friends while at the gym. These behaviors frequently extend to the school environment, where an increase in friends is also common.

5. Provides a Community for Children and Parents
WRTS is a community for all kids. Our inclusive approach helps children make friends with their peers and our gym becomes a place where friends can congregate together. The same is true with parents. Parents with children diagnosed with ADHD can often feel aligned or left out (which is the case with many parents whose children have been diagnosed with a disorder) and the team and parents of WRTS make up a fantastic support network of like-minded adults who have the goal of assisting their children.

6. The Comfort of “Fidget Toys”
Many children with ADHD, regardless of the severity, can benefit from having a comfort toy they can hold and maneuver in their hands while at school or at home. This helps them remain calm and focused while feeling secure and allows the skills they learn at WRTS to translate to the school environment. We supply an assortment of these toys in each We Rock the Spectrum for this very reason. The use of “fidget toys” offers the necessary distraction for the body while their minds hone in on what is being asked and instructed.

7. A Focused Approach to Creativity
The Arts and Crafts area of WRTS allows children to have a creative outlet and the ability to decompress while staying focused on the item they are creating. Allowing their hands to work and create while their mind does the guiding aids children with ADHD in their ability to focus, along with giving them a unique and new activity to participate in.

BONUS: The Guidance of the WRTS Staff
When the staff notices a child spending a great deal of time on only one activity they work to persuade them to try other things, which helps their minds continually adapt and experience stimulation from this change in activities. Our staff is always monitoring the activities going on inside the gym and will work with children that need the extra attention to grow. This helps children to be allowed to experience a variety of social interactions and which helps to meet the needs of the children with ADHD.

In conclusion, when children are provided with the stimulation from We Rock the Spectrum that they cannot get themselves, they begin to grow. This positive experience makes them feel able and capable in ways they might not feel in other social situations. A confidence is developed as a routine of success is established, and there is a real improvement in a child’s self-esteem.

Do you have a child with ADHD? What other benefits have you seen We Rock the Spectrum provide?  We’d love to hear from you.  Give us a call at 818-996-6620 or email us at

We Rock the Spectrum is for All Parents!

The team at We Rock The Spectrum Kid’s Gym offers a long list of activities for special needs children to participate in and enjoy with their typically developing peers. This allows parents of special needs children to have a place to take all their children and know they won’t be separated, but instead offered the opportunity to play, grow and develop together. The We Rock The Spectrum Kid’s Gym has a ton of equipment and activities to do with special needs children including sensory-based gym equipment and strength improving equipment as well.

As a result of playing and participating in activities for special needs children offered by We Rock The Spectrum Kid’s Gym, children will be able to improve their attention span, on task behavior, coordination, poster, motor planning, muscle tone, and motor development. This all takes place while the kids are playing and being fully active inside the gym. With a whole list and range of great play equipment to give the staff and parents plenty of activities to do with special needs children and children that are typically developing.

Some of the biggest differences between traditional indoor play gyms and the gym at We Rock The Spectrum Kid’s Gym are the unique style of equipment to use. Most indoor play gyms don’t have the right equipment in place for special needs children. The We Rock The Spectrum Kid’s Gym offers the first gym of its type for children to take advantage of regardless of skill or development level.

The specialized equipment, sensory based toys, arts and crafts area and programs that are set up for kids of all ability levels are designed and perfected to help all children grow and develop, especially children who have special needs. Take a look at what is offered at We Rock The Spectrum Kid’s Gym and find out how they can help your children grow, develop and most of all have fun.

Birthday Parties at We Rock The Spectrum are For All Kids!

Birthday parties are getting bigger and bigger each year with parents trying to find a great way to celebrate the special day for their children. If you are looking for great ideas for kids birthday parties you should check out the facilities at the We Rock The Spectrum Kid’s Gym. Their facility offers four different birthday party packages to choose from in order to celebrate your child’s special day.

The packages offered at We Rock The Spectrum Kid’s Gym start with a package that does not offer any staff assistance, but simply the use of the facility leaving you responsible for the cleanup and works its way up to a fully staffed party where all the children take home some party favors. So far this sounds like a typical party that can be held at a restaurant, club or party hall, but the biggest difference is the staff and facility.

Any party at We Rock The Spectrum Kid’s Gym offers the full use of the equipment included in the gym except for the zip line. This means the party of children can utilize the swings, climbing structures, crash mats and pillows, tunnels, arts and crafts area and small sensory based toys. Kids are able to let loose and be kids during any party at the gym. A party with the staff of We Rock The Spectrum Gym will be even more fun than one without and offers you the opportunity to really enjoy the party without having to be bothered with cleanup and hosting.
As a gym that specializes in helping kids of all ability levels to develop the gym offers a birthday party option that even caters to children of special needs. Let your children have a great time with a party at We Rock The Spectrum Kid’s Gym regardless of their ability, and watch them and the whole party have a great time and make lasting memories.

Specialized Classes, Programs, and Equipment for Children with Autism

Even though the We Rock The Spectrum Kid’s Gym is an inclusive gym that allows children of all ability levels to be able to play and grow together, they offer specialized classes, programs and equipment for children with autism. This allows the team to offer fantastic autism support services such as their classes that help to develop social and physical skills, sensory play equipment to help develop sensory skills and finer motor skills. And large play equipment to help develop the larger muscle groups as well as the fun and enjoyment that comes from working in a group and playing together.

As the first gym of its kind, We Rock The Spectrum Kid’s Gym is a one of a kind autism support center that allows all family members to be able to play, grow, develop and enjoy a great experience. The gym has on staff specialists who can consult and suggest activities for parents to engage their children with autism to develop their skills no matter which end of the spectrum they are on.

Yes, autism has a spectrum, which means there are many levels and indicators of autism and the staff at We Rock The Spectrum Kid’s Gym has kept this in mind not only when naming their gym, but also when offering their programs and designing their facilities. Because of this forethought this team offers autism support services that can’t be found anywhere else making them a leading autism support center that is based on the west coast and making is way eastward across the United States.

If you have a child who has been diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder, take a ride to your nearest We Rock The Spectrum Kid’s Gym and see what their program has to offer to assist you and your child.

Has Your Child Been Diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder?

Has your child been diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder? Does your child have other special needs? Are you feeling a bit frustrated with the lack of development from government run programs that mean well, but you know there has to be more to help your special needs child develop? You are in luck, the best place for you to take your special needs child is to the We Rock The Spectrum Kid’s Gym.
Their unique sensory pay equipment is specifically geared toward helping children who are on the Spectrum or have other special needs with their growth and development physically, psychologically, socially, and emotionally. If you are afraid your child may be too young for the gym, don’t fret, the We Rock The Spectrum Kid’s Gym is able to work with children and parents as young as twelve months old and is a great gym for toddlers to play and develop.

As a one of a kind kids fitness gym, the facilities at the We Rock The Spectrum Kid’s Gym offer a wide array of equipment, classes, programs, activities, open play time, birthday parties, and many other opportunities for kids of all ages and abilities to develop together. Their motto of “Finally a Place Where You Never Have to Say I’m Sorry!” is not just a tag line, but words they live by daily at the gym. This gym not only offers programs and facilities for special needs children, but for children of all ability and developmental levels.

This means if you have a child with special needs, and another who is typically developing you can take both children to the We Rock The Spectrum Kid’s Gym and feel confident they will be not only able to play together, but also able to grow and learn with each other. How awesome is that? Not many other locations will offer the opportunity for all children to be together as they play and grow, most locations will offers services for special needs children but leave you to have to find another place to take any children you have that don’t have special needs, making it much less convenient for you and your family.

As an awesome kids fitness gym, the We Rock The Spectrum Kid’s Gym is fully equipped with sensory-based equipment to help children develop their larger muscle groups, sensory skills, fine motor skills, playground and social skills, behavioral skills, and even show off some of their creativity in the arts and crafts area. When you bring your child to this gym the will leave with a smile and be ready to go back for another visit right away. With their great classes and floor play equipment such as tunnel, play mats, hiding areas, crash mats and pillows this is a great gym for toddlers as well as older children.

Bring your children to the We Rock The Spectrum Kid’s Gym and see what they have to offer to help your children grow, develop, improve, and have fun. Stay for an open play time and you can have a lot of fun with them as well.

Indoor Playground Equipment For All Kids

As a parent have you ever heard your children whine about having to go outside to play? “It’s too hot, it’s raining, but Mom I just saw a tornado” are all excuses some kids might use to not want to go outside. Ok the last one was a bit far-fetched and only meant as a bad joke, but the reality is sometimes the weather doesn’t permit kids to be outside and play, but there is a great alternative to being outside, a gym that is full of indoor kids playground equipment would be the perfect place to take kids.

We Rock The Spectrum Kid’s Gym is such a place. They have a building full of kids indoor playground equipment for all kids to enjoy. This gym is one of the best places to take kids of any ability level and let them play and explore to help them use up some of that energy we all wish we had that somehow is found inside kids. The equipment found at We Rock The Spectrum Kid’s Gym ranges from tunnels, hiding places, soft landing areas, climbing structures, suspended swings, sensory-based toys, and even a zip line. All of this great indoor kids playground equipment will have you kids having a great time, growing and developing and leaving with a smile.

We Rock The Spectrum Kid’s Gym was developed to help children of all ability levels grow and learn. Specializing in working with children who have special needs, especially Autism Spectrum Disorder, the team at the gym not only focusses on being able to help children with special needs, but also typically developing children as well. They have found the equipment and programs they offer are not only great for special needs kids, but for kids of all ability levels. Their activities, programs, and staff help to promote the growth of children regarding communication, behavior modification, social interaction, motivation, neurological growth, concentration, self-care, and physical strength which all children can benefit from.

The We Rock The Spectrum Kid’s Gym offers not only great equipment and an attentive and highly trained staff but they also have plenty of classes, open play times and even offer the opportunity to have a birthday party at the gym. How cool would that be for your child to have their birthday party in a place that has an amazing amount of kids indoor playground equipment to use? It would certainly be a lot different than a typical kids birthday party at a restaurant that doesn’t have any fun equipment for the kids to play on.

Bringing your kids to We Rock The Spectrum Kid’s Gym to expel some energy, take part in growing and developing activities, enjoying some open play time, or even scheduling the facility for a birthday party makes this gym an outstanding destination location for you and your kids. Come on down and check them out and see what kind of activities and programs you and your kids will enjoy.

Suburban Boca Raton gym uses trampolines and zip lines for youngsters with autism to learn skills

BOCA RATON, Fla – The emphasis is on fun at the We Rock The Spectrum kids gym in suburban Boca Raton.
But along with the jumping on the trampoline, riding the zip line, the laughing and shouting, therapy and instructions are going on here for children on the autism spectrum.
“He’s holding on, which is good,” said Jennifer Guttenberg, an occupational therapist working with one of the children on the zip line.
“I also asked him if he wants more, and he said ‘Yes,’ so we’re also getting the speech interaction and social interaction as well, which is good.”
Guttenberg uses this type of gym equipment to help the children with autism she works with develop their senses.

Coming Soon: Kids’ Gym in Boca Greens

West Boca parents will have a new place to take their kids later this month. We Rock The Spectrum Kid’s Gym is for all kids, but it’s motivated with autistic children and their parents in mind.
The motto: Finally a Place Where You Never Have to Say I’m Sorry is not about what the kids do. It’s about the uncomfortable feeling their parents have when they feel the need to apologize for their child in a place full of people who don’t appreciate the challenges they face.


we rock the spectrum kid's gym

New Boca gym caters to kids on autism spectrum, but welcomes all

Welcome to We Rock the Spectrum, a “kids gym for all kids” which opened April 19 in west Boca Raton. It welcomes all children and offers special equipment for children on the autism spectrum.
The sensory gym is a dream come true for owner Gail Field of Boca Raton, whose 4-year-old son, Jayson, is on the autism spectrum.
“I just had to do it for Jayson and kids like him,” Field said. “There wasn’t a place in Florida for kids like Jayson to play. I’m doing this not just for Jayson, but because it’s needed.”